Underlying Disciplines, Concepts, and Theories
Appendix B
Adapted from
Gordon B. Davis. 2000. Information Systems Conceptual Foundations: Looking Backward and Forward. In Proceedings of the IFIP TC9 WG9.3 International Conference on Home Oriented Informatics and Telematics,: Information, Technology and Society (HOIT ’00), Andy Sloane and Felix van Rijn (Eds.). Kluwer, B.V., Deventer, The Netherlands, The Netherlands, 61-82.
Theories of human behavior, Motivation theories, Theory of reasoned action.
Cognitive Psychology
Human information processing, Human cognition, Expertise, Artificial intelligence, Cognitive style, Creativity, Knowledge, Cognitive representations/visualization, Human-machine interfaces.
Sociology/Organization Behavior
Nature of work (knowledge work, clerical work, etc.), Governance theories, Organization design concepts, Process models, Culture.
Technology Adoption/Diffusion
Adaptive structration, Social network theory, Actor network theory, Social influence, Organization change, Organization learning, Trust, Ethics.
Strategy, Innovation, Competitive advantage, Resource view of firm, Knowledge management, Risk management, Evaluation, Outsourcing.
Principal-agent theory, Transaction cost economics, Productivity, Information economics, Social welfare, Adverse selection, Value of information, Incomplete contracting, Intermediation.
System Concepts and Principles
Artificial systems, Requisite variety, Soft systems, Complexity, Control theory-cybernetics, Socio-cybernetic theory of acts, Task/technology fit (equifinality), System economics (reuse), Maintenance of systems (negative entropy), Process theory, System models.
Media choice, Collaborative work, Speech acts theory.
Decision Making
Behavioral decision making, Normative decision models, Group decision making, Neural networks/genetic algorithms.
Information Concepts
Mathematical theory of communications, Quality, errors, and bias concepts, Value of information, Semantics, Semiotics (theory of signs).
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